Pho Cao Market in Dong Van
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Posted on 15-08-2016 Trekking and Adventure

Pho Cao market is a backward market, which opens on the backward days of the week. If this week, it opens on Sunday, next week, it will open on Saturday and in the following weeks, it will open on Friday, Thursday and so on…Situated on the 4C national road, Pho Cao market is not only a place of buying and selling products but also a place of cultural exchange among 17 ethnic groups in the bordering region. The market opens in the early morning and is covered by fog all year round. This is also a special feature of Pho Cao market and other markets in the mountainous areas. Every market-day is crowded, animated and attractive for visitors.

  • Location: 25 kilometes from the town center of Dong Van.
  • Garthering time: This is a descending ethnic market which takes place every 6 days and extends until noon.
  • Features: The market is next to Highway 4C with the scale of 1,000 square meter.
  • Local specialties: corn wine, soybeans, brocades.

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